Tuesday, May 11, 2010


True to form I've already gotten lazy with this thing, and I'll probably only be updating intermittently until the summer. School has seriously ramped up and I've been flooded with coursework, which is only going to get worse until I'm all done for this quarter--which, gloriously enough, is my last quarter of heavy coursework.  After that I get to finally focus on research and for once not feel like I'm stuck in college anymore.

Anyways, for some brief updates in the life of gan.  A few weekends ago we went to this bar called Noble Experiment, which is hidden inside another restaurant behind a secret wall of kegs, Speakesy-style.  Definitely at the ultra-hip end of the spectrum, but it was pretty cool to go in and check out.  Everyone got all snazzed up in their Sunday's best, and the drinks were fantastic.  Here are some pics lol:

It's me and Diego! And a wall covered in golden skulls!

And our tasty beverages! I wish I remembered all of the names.  The two on the bottom right are improved whiskeys, which is whiskey and absinthe and a few other kicks.  I had a bourbon with orange bitters and brown sugar, there was a gin/artichoke combo.  All very strange and delicious.  All of these pictures are on facebook already but whatever, you can deal with it. Also...

Shea visited! She was at the Noble Experiment with us, too, but she didn't make the cut for the pictures. Hah.  We did all sorts of wonderful stuff, it was a good time.

OK, I really shouldn't be posting to this thing right now.  I have way too much work to do, I'm just trying to procrastinate.  I am seriously getting homesick and I can't wait to be home in a month and see everyone.  And eat giant deli sandwiches and Chinese food (you can't get those out here).  And drink glorious beer (you can get that out here, but not glorious northeast beer).  I will leave you guys with a song I've been listening to a lot:

Neva Dinova - Supercomputer

Oh, also, giant party in Hartford at the new house of Allison/Puff/Huddy over the weekend of June 18-20.  I expect to see everyone there. Grilling, tubing, drinking, dancing.  You name it.  I'm pumped.

<3 gan